
Lorenzo Altavista authored new book on love and romantic relations, revealing innovative interpretation of our behaviors and suggesting new advice on long-term relationships

Released in August 2021, Love, instructions for use, is the ideal book for all those who want to understand the secrets of lasting love and how to unlock all the potential in couple happiness. The book reveals step by step and with practical advice how to obtain the best in love and romantic relationships in terms of satisfaction, quality and durability. It explains the phases of Discovery, Romance, Falling in love and Dynamic love and it illustrates the difference with infatuation, seduction, fascination, attachment. The book is a milestone in its genre, introducing the innovative Dynamic Love Theory.

Authored by an Italian specialist in relationships, Love, instructions for use is the state-of-the-art in its genre, that will lead you through the understanding of relationships, including when it is necessary to protect yourself and when it is time to let yourself go to love. Readers will discover what is their protective framework and how to pursue and obtain happiness and maximum intensity throughout the romantic relationship.

Love, instructions for use is a book everyone should read, that was written as the result of a social research that involved thousands of people.
Key aspects that make Love, instructions for use a unique book in its genre:- The book is the state-of-the-art in romance and relationship titles- Readers will find a practical handbook, offering advice in a plain and direct language- Love, instructions for use introduces the innovative theory called the Dynamic Love Theory- The book is a modern, comprehensive guide on love and romantic relationships that introduces a new social theory- Authored by a specialist with extensive knowledge on love and romantic relationships.

Love, instructions for use is the best book to date dedicated to love and romantic relationships. It not only offers plenty of advice but it also introduces a modern social theory and investigates the essence of relations. It really offers a comprehensive understanding of the ‘mechanics’ of love and, above all, advice on how to recognize the difference between true love and the many errors or illusions we all happen to fall into when we look for or we live a relationship. A must-read!”

Book trailer here:   
Link to buy the book here: