
The book The Guardian of the Stars, the journey of Anais with the wind, wins the nomination to best children’s novel 2021

A poetic and literary work in the guise of a children’s tale, written by novelist Davide Amante and first published in Italy in late 2019, The Guardian of the Stars – The journey of Anais with the wind has been constantly growing in sales figures and appreciation since it was released in december 2019. The English version is going to market in the USA in early 2021 and French and German translations are underway.

CultureMag book review nominated the book Best Children’s Novel 2021, after an accurate review of this novel, with the following motivation: The Guardian of the Stars – The journey of Anais with the wind is an exceptional poetic and literary work in the guise of a children’s tale. It is a book for readers of all ages that truly opens your mind, heart and soul to a better and larger world. This is the first time we read a children’s book that might just as well go one step further than the Little Prince. Language and structure are mastered by a thoroughbred novelist. Probably the most valuable book you can read to your children today.’

Davide Amante declared: ‘I am particularly proud to win the nomination to Best Children’s Novel 2021 and I wish to thank all the many readers who appreciated this book and who wrote me.’

Journalists wishing to receive a free copy of the novel please send the publisher your postal address and name of the magazine you write for.
To contact the author or the publisher please visit

The Guardian of the Stars – The journey of Anais with the wind has become a bestseller and in Italy it was also used by private and public schools in a Dialogic Reading program.

Davide Amante
The Guardian of the Stars – The journey of Anais with the wind
80 pages with 15 pencil illustrations.
ISBN 9788894315608
Buy on

The Guardian of the Stars, the journey of Anais with the wind, by Davide Amante

Cover foto of this article by klimkin da Pixabay.