
Love, instructions for use – nominated best relationship book 2021

Love, instructions for use, published by Lorenzo Altavista in early 2021, nominated by CulturesMag Best Love & Relationships Book 2021.

CultureMag book review unanimously nominated the book Best Love and Romantic Relationships Book 2021.

Love, instructions for use is a phenomenal book, offering unprecedented insight into the complexities of love and romantic relations. Written in a plain language, this book has so much to say that it is a milestone in its genre. Welcome to the innovative Dynamic Love Theory.’

Love, instructions for use is the most complete and comprehensive guide dedicated to love and romantic relationships.

This is the book that introduces the Dynamic Love Theory, the revolutionary deconstruction-reconstruction process that leads to a change of state.
An ideal book for all those who want to understand the secrets of lasting love and how to unlock all the potential in couple happiness.
This book reveals step by step how to obtain the best in love and romantic relationships in terms of satisfaction, quality and durability. It explains the
phases of Discovery, Romance, Falling in love and Dynamic love and it illustrates the difference with infatuation, seduction, fascination, attachment.
You will learn when it is necessary to protect yourself and when it is time to let yourself go. You will discover what is your protective framework and
how to pursue and obtain happiness and maximum intensity throughout the romantic relationship.

This book also faces love from the sociologist’s and anthropologist’s point of view, setting a new step in the evolution of our comprehension of love and relationships.
Journalists wishing to receive a free copy of the book please send the publisher your postal address and name of the magazine you write for.
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Lorenzo Altavista
Love, instructions for use
ISBN 9788894315684
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