The Wallenberg Dossier second edition
The bestseller The Wallenberg Dossier written by Davide Amante has reached the milestone of one million copies. Sales are expected to grow as the second edition of this one-of-a-kind novel will be launched soon (march 2025). The number of copies sold is significant, especially considering the author, as part of the marketing strategy agreed with the publisher, never released or authorized a digital edition of the novel. In addition, the publisher itself is a small publishing house based in Milan, Italy, that doesn’t have the massive marketing teams that typically support large international publishers. The novel sells mainly out of word of mouth and sales grew steadily from month to month since it was released.
However in our opinion the remarkable numbers of this novel are determined by the author’s style and genre, or the absence of genre, we should say. The Wallenberg Dossier indeed crosses literary genres with ease, uniquely mixing biographies with historical narrations, literary works with fiction novels, love stories with thrillers. The result is that you cannot categorize the novel into a specific genre but rather it is the story itself that goes in and out of genres continuing to keep the reader in a state of tension page after page. As soon as you feel like you’re immersed in a love story, you unexpectedly find yourself in a thriller, and as soon as you feel like you’re reading a biography of Raoul Wallenberg anchored to real and concrete facts, you immediately find yourself in a poetic scene constructed with literary competence. Such a skillful control of the narrative amazes and ends up gluing the reader to the story from the beginning to the end of the book.
Raoul Wallenberg emerges as a modern, positive hero, ready to give himself in first person to help others and save human lives from the Nazi carnage and its brutality. But above all, the novel The Wallenberg Dossier offers a complete picture, certainly worthy of a true biography, of the man Raoul Wallenberg. A man who comes from a wealthy Swedish family, from which he learned the universal values of life, and who exposes himself in first person to defend them. Around him a whirlwind of events unfolds, some of which he manages to control and others he is transported by, with a surprising ending in which all the good he has done is somehow returned to him, almost as if to demonstrate that there is a balance and a superior justice in life.
Raoul Wallenberg is undoubtedly a hero and the novel The Wallenberg Dossier paints this exceptional character in all his features.

The Wallenberg Dossier
250 Pages
ISBN 9788894315615
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Raoul Wallenberg, in the 1940s the young scion of the very wealthy Swedish Wallenberg family, became famous for having saved perhaps the largest number of Jewish families in Hungary from Nazi deportations. In the 1940s he arrived in Budapest with a diplomatic passport and carried out some tasks as an attaché at the Swedish embassy in Budapest. He soon became aware of the dramatic situation in which Jewish families found themselves in Budapest, where Eichmann, the creator and supporter of the final solution, aimed at exterminating an entire population, was based. After several attempts to negotiate with Eichmann, Raoul Wallenberg realized the urgency and gravity of the situation, and decided to act personally, often risking his own physical safety in order to save children, women, the elderly, and Jewish men from the terrible deportation trains. Wallenberg’s repeated confrontations with Nazi officials in order to make at least the weakest get off the trains, along the platforms and waiting for departure, are famous. On more than one occasion the Nazis tried to physically eliminate Wallenberg without success. Equally famous are the meetings between Eichmann and Wallenberg at the Hotel Majestic in Budapest, where two opposing visions of life and the world face each other. Davide Amante’s novel reconstructs these dialogues in a very fascinating and in-depth way. The Red Army, finally entering Budapest to fight Nazi Germany, will arrest Wallenberg and imprison him in the Lefertovo prison in Moscow. From that moment Wallenberg officially disappears and nothing more is known about him. Raoul Wallenberg is presumed dead a few months later, but a nurse will claim under oath to have seen him alive many years later, calling into question the official conclusions about his death. A series of surprising events and perhaps a great love will completely change Wallenberg’s destiny in a continuous succession of events and twists that the novel reconstructs in every detail, giving us an incredible and fascinating story.